CiviCRM case study - Healthwatch England

Deborah Griver, Systems Manager - Healthwatch England
Jamie Novick - Compucorp


Healthwatch England are the national body for 152 local Healthwatch across England. They capture the experiences of consumers that use health and social care services in England, providing influential intelligence to the Health and Social Care Sector, resulting in improved services for consumers

In a what has been a significantly sized project, Healthwatch has been developing and rolling out CiviCRM to support the needs of the entire Healthwatch Network. The aim of the project is to create a secure operational tool for their workflow and to enable the network to capture Consumer Feedback data, which is (automatically) transmitted to Healthwatch England for further insight and analysis.

The project has been challenging both due to its scale and ambition, but has also allowed the team to develop CiviCRM in a number of valuable ways.

We'd like to share with you our journey on the project and the exciting new developments for CiviCRM that this will bring. These include:

- Pivot table reporting

- Improved mailing interface

- The Healthwatch Heatmap

- Improved free text searching

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